
Mortgage loan request modification document concept

It was at the end of July when Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed Executive Order 20-180, the order that extended the moratorium on residential mortgage foreclosures and tenant evictions. Unfortunately, the language included in the order clearly shows that the moratorium now only applies to residential properties, leaving commercial property…

couple managing debt

Debt collectors are required to collect on debt that is past due and to do so, they have many strategies they use. They will call constantly, send letters, list the debt on your credit report, and they may even file a lawsuit against you. All of these actions are difficult…

A man looking at a bankruptcy document

Making the decision to file for bankruptcy is always a difficult one. Once you have determined that it is your best option, it is critical to avoid some common mistakes both before you file, and throughout the process. Aside from the enormous amount of paperwork involved, filing for bankruptcy requires…

woman preparing for bankruptcy in Florida

If you are dealing with financial obligations that you cannot afford to pay, bankruptcy may be your best option for improving your situation. While many people are hesitant to file bankruptcy, there is no reason to be ashamed about doing so. Filing bankruptcy can allow you to get a “clean…