
a pen, calculator and reading glasses on bankruptcy documents.

Stigmas are very difficult to overcome, and many people believe that bankruptcy has a certain stigma attached to it. It is this perceived stigma that stops many people from taking advantage of bankruptcy and the protection it provides. Bankruptcy, however, is a right provided by the U.S. Constitution. Hundreds of…

foreclosure lawyer discussing a foreclosure case with a client

After receiving a foreclosure notice, you may think there is nothing to do except wait until the bank forces you out of the home. You may not even think about hiring a Florida foreclosure defense lawyer or realize how much a lawyer could help you. Truthfully, there are many ways…

a couple holiday shopping in Fort Lauderdale, FL

The holidays are upon us and while they may look very different during the pandemic, people still want to find ways to celebrate with their loved ones. Budgeting for the holidays is never easy, but just like everything else in 2020, it brings unique challenges during the pandemic. A survey…

woman upset about bankruptcy

The COVID-19 pandemic has put over 30 million Americans out of work, and many of those individuals were already struggling with debt before the pandemic hit. Debt can sometimes actually be a good thing, as it allows people to purchase homes, vehicles, and other necessities of life. However, when you…

credit cards stacked, credit card debt causing bankruptcy

No one ever wants to file bankruptcy but, in some cases, it can provide real relief from crushing debt. One of the reasons people are sometimes so hesitant to file is because they believe the many myths surrounding bankruptcy. Here we break down those myths and expose the truth behind…