
making a purchase with a credit card

As the number of data breaches into corporate networks increases, so does the crime of identity theft.  The Federal Trade Commission reports that they received 4.8 million identity theft complaints in 2020.  That only represents the number reported, the true number is likely much higher than that.  Once your identity…

Close view business woman hand calculating

Student loan debt in the United States is over $1.71 trillion, with more than 44.7 million Americans carrying this type of debt. The number of people taking on student loan debt is growing higher every day. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of people taking out student…


Bankruptcy is a much more complex process than simply filing and having your debts discharged or restructured. You will have to first complete many steps and one of those is obtaining a bankruptcy certificate or rather, two certificates. Bankruptcy certificates are documents that show you completed a credit counseling and…