Have You Received a Debt Collection Letter From M.L. Zager? You May Be Entitled to Financial Compensation!

If you have received any debt collection letters from M.L. Zager, you may be entitled to financial compensation, even if you owe them money.

Florida law requires all debt collectors to be licensed to collect debts, and M.L. Zager may not have been licensed at the time they sent you that debt collection letter. If that is true, they may have violated a law called the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and we may be able to sue them for you.

We handle these cases on a contingency fee basis, so there are no attorney’s fees or costs unless we collect compensation for you.  The best part is that the law provides that M.L. Zager would be responsible for reimbursement of our legal fees and costs.  You have nothing to lose, but a lot to gain.

If M.L. Zager has sent any debt collection letters to you, please get in touch with us right away for your free consultation with one of our federal litigation attorneys. Call our Florida bankruptcy attorney now at 1-888-FIGHT-13.

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matis and matthew

Loan Lawyers is made up of experienced consumer rights attorneys who use every available resource to develop comprehensive debt solution strategies. Our goal is to take on those burdens, resolve those problems, and allow our clients to sleep soundly knowing they are on the path to a better future.